Our Story

I started this business in July 2020, in the midst of the first UK lockdown, from my dining room table. Since then, I've upgraded through my bedroom, my spare room, and now I'm based in a cute cabin office in my garden!

Back then, I sold scrunchies, hand embroidered tote bags and face masks. It wasn't until February 2021 that I started making jumpers, and that is partially due to my housemate at the time, Megan, who helped persuade me that it would be a great idea! I had three designs, all of which were hand sewn, and two of those designs are still available today and remain some of my best sellers!

But doing the designs by hand was taking me a while (between 5-8 hours a jumper), and there was going to be no way I could scale that. So, only about a month later, I bought my first embroidery machine. It was a difficult start, as due to the pandemic there was not a lot of choice in machines and I ended up buying one that was not all that common, and so tutorials and instructions were not easy to find. But, after a lot of trial and error, I had an idea of what to do with it and I was off!

Fast forward through to now, I've upgraded my embroidery machine, fine tuned a lot of my designs and products, and am now focussing on making this my full time, but I still have a while to go before it can be! Every order we get puts me one step closer to my dream!

Behind the Creations

Hey! I'm Hattie, and I'm the creator of Hattie's Creations.

I'm a 24 year old Musical theatre graduate from the countryside around Milton Keynes.

I've always been a creative person. As a kid I loved all arts and crafts, and that was a passion I've taken forwards into my adult life. It transpired into a love of acting and musical theatre, and I went on to study Performing Arts at drama school in Brighton. I still love everything about acting, but during the pandemic I found a second passion I wanted to pursue alongside acting.

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